Benchmark: IA UK Smaller Companies Toggle the portfolios using the checkboxes

Make an Investment in the UK Smaller Companies Fund


Invest within an ISA

Investments within ISAs are exempt from income tax and capital gains tax. Any adult normally resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes may invest up to £20,000 in an ISA each tax year.

Invest outside an ISA

Investments outside ISAs are subject to income tax and capital gains tax. There is no limit to the amount that may be invested.

Data source:

All financial data is supplied by FE


Investors buying funds through Rosan Select are specifically buying without investment advice. The value of investments can fall as well as rise, and the investor may not get back the original amounts invested. If you have any doubt about whether a fund purchase meets your expectations or risk criteria, then you should contact our office to seek specific guidance. Once you press the invest button within an ISA or outside it, you will be transferred to our partner Fidelity FundsNetworks site to conclude the process, and all invested assets will sit on Fidelity’s platform under our agency agreement.